Don’t buy these phones in 2020 / Overrated Phones of 2020! - best theme

Don’t buy these phones in 2020 / Overrated Phones of 2020!

Don’t buy these phones in 2020

Why I recommend to Don’t buy these phones in 2020 ?

   So despite the ongoing pandemic and the lockdown mobile brands are still launching quite a lot of phones but unless it's a matter of absolute necessity I don't think you should be buying a phone anytime soon but again if you are someone looking for a new phone right now there are plenty of good options and well some bad ones too yeah unsurprisingly. 

  The market is not rid of some bad apples by that I mean overpriced and overrated smartphones while we've released multiple videos suggesting which phones to buy this one is going to be the exact opposite so let's take a look at our pick off the phones that you should not buy in 2020 .

Don’t buy these phones in 2020

  Vivo s1 pro all right the first one on our list is the V voice 1 Pro right off the bat it's not such a terrible port not at all it's just that the company is so bad I mean so so bad at shipwreck selection on its bones be it in a mid-range device or a budget device and that's vividly reflected on the s1 pro with the mediocre snapdragon 665 chipset design-wise the poll looks quite pretty and sturdier on the hands an excellent Super AMOLED display a fast industry fingerprint sensor and a great battery endurance are some areas the phones got going for itself however that's about it cameras the one area where we're supposed to have high expectations from a vivo phone does not match our expectations vivo s1 crew is quite cameras fields to produce enough details and lacked significantly in terms of dynamic range in our time with the phone moving on the performance is where you get disappointed the most snapdragon 665 on a phone of this price range simply is not justifiable it is OK at best at vivos inclusion of a whooping 8gb ram is unnecessarily chemically the font touch OS isn't that fun either and the UI is fairly confusing to navigate with all this I don't think the v1 Pro should be your .

This phones are more expensive so Don’t buy these phones in 2020

   Next phone vivo v90 our next pick for the phone that you should ignore right now is the vivo v90 yeah - beaver bones in a row who's surprised the phone just launched a couple of days ago in India for a ridiculous price just like the s1 pro which is terrible considering how price sensitive the market there is it's a little different than the Indonesian version this one has a dual selfie camera inside a pill shaped cutout and is equipped by the snapdragon 712 yes you heard it right snapdragon 712 for 28,000 indian rupees for me that's outrageous also some reviews that have come out so far saying that the cameras on the v19 are pretty good but my primary concern is the crazy pricing from vivo hence the B will be nineteen is one of the worst price to performance phones out there and I think you will be better off buying last year's flagships or even the Amazon veneer boats oh boy a 15 opal head scrapped its F Series last year and it was a little shocking to see the company released a new phone under the lineup hopefully it's opals last hurrah at the once popular F Series considering how the Oppo f-15 turned out to be the phone's design is actually not that bad I mean look at the colors on the back panel and the quad cam replacement looks fine as well but don't fall for it so easily because performance is equally underwhelming on a phone of this price range oh boy is still using the mediatek helio p 70 which we found on last year's over f11 pro and since we have been testing the phone right now the cameras are also nothing exceptional with so many good mid-range phones in the market like the poco X to order your may 6 Pro the Oppo f-15 is the phone you should skip on a 9 X global variant the owner 9 X is also one of the phones that you should not buy right now I reviewed it like three months ago and to my frustration it only received like nine thousand views so go check out the review in detail where I have criticized the on a 9 X and compared it against the redmi note ii pro anyway the order 9 X in here is powered by almost two year old keyring 710 m chipset and that's most probably the marry issue with the phone the helio g9 TT in other similarly priced bones like the redmi note 8 pro and the real me six crushes the 710 f by almost three folds now that's humiliating I also found the camera to be pretty average and inferior to what the competition offers also the recently launched 9 x pro with kieran 810 also has the same camera setup so don't have high expectations with it as well additionally the honor 9x struggles with its build quality which we accidentally found out after the front panel shattered on a draw from a very nominal height although the knots let's display with pop-up selfie camera is pleasing to look at but the performance and the cameras are just about averaged only making the honor 9x of both unworthy of your purchase Huawei y9s I'm gonna keep this one brief as it's almost the exact same phone as the on a 9 X it has the same camera arrangement it has the same design and the same level of performance lucky for them the war ii y9 s and the order 9x still resume the support for google suit of applications which is not found in recent smartphones from the company but here the wari y9 s is even more expensive than the one above what we should realize this by now that just a clean-cut design is not enough to sell smartphones 3 on me 6 i slashed nar so 10 emphasizing on its master design the rioni 6 i also host the title for the world's first phone to be powered by MediaTek s-- new gaming focused Helio GED chipset and just a couple of days ago the company rebranded it as Bernardo 10 for the Indian market and this one's a little tricky because the Rio Mystics I is actually not a bad phone at all the thing is you can get a much much better device simply by adding literally a couple of thousand or more that true from the standard form e6 the first notable upgrade comes in the form of the display as the Rio v6 has an officially plus panel within 90 Hertz refresh rate and a trendier punch hole cut out on the contrary the 6i has an inferior HD Plus display with a regular 60 refresh rate and a dated teardrop not another improvement and the most crucial one is the performance while the helio dat is great and all the g9 TT on the Rio me6 is nearly 40% better a slight improvement can also be found on the Rio me 6 with its 64 mega pixel quad camera setup whereas the primary sensor on the v6 is a forty eight megapixel lens finally though the rioni six has a smaller four thousand three hundred million power battery to six eyes five thousand milliamp power cell it does come with a faster 30 watt charging because of this the only 6i becomes an unwise purchase and we strongly suggest you to add a little bit more and get the real nice 6 instead iPhone se 2020 just for $400 the iPhone se 2 seems like such a great deal and it most likely is if you're into iOS and Apple ecosystem of products and if you live in the US the iPhone se - costs so much more in other regions of the world like your any pal and even in India and therefore is just not worth buying considering its close Android alternatives the primary upper hands the iPhone se 2 has is its flagship a 13 Bionic chip set and Apple's history of regular system updates for a prolonged period discount that and you've got a pretty average phone that compromises in every other aspect of a smartphone it's got big bezels on the top and bottom the display is mediocre with its 4.7 inches HD Betina panel and the camera arrangement is not very versatile either also though the phone does not support wireless charging the battery itself is a pretty small 1821 milliamp-hour cell shall we meet 10 Xiaomi has managed to establish itself as a valley oriented company with its smartphones being priced as competitively as possible however the company is venture into selling its flagship v10 in the South Asian market is off to a rough start launched just a couple of days ago in India many tech enthusiasts are very upset about its pricing and or rightfully so in charmese defense the phone is absolutely great the camera system is a little gimmicky but the rest of the stuff is solid you get a curved Super AMOLED display within 90 Hertz refresh rate Snapdragon each 6500 8 megapixel quad cameras 30 watt wired / wireless charging and more but the one area that the companyís field is the pricing which should have been way too competitive than it is compared to China the phone cost even more in India and that will obviously be the case in the ball - as Nicky Ranjit saw pointed out shall we should have copied the pricing strategy of once less India however it's not too late and Xiaomi could still introduce a price draw and give a strong base to its wall foothold in the country's flagship smartphone market Samsung Galaxy S 20 ultra the end of our list features Samsung's ultra expensive flagship phone the Samsung Galaxy S 20 ultra it grabbed all the headlines for it's insane hundred times P slew one hundred and eight megapixel cameras 8k video recording and more importantly the price as twenty all sure went somewhere Samsung had never gone before with its starting asking price for a whopping $1,400 yeah that's too much as the sales figures have made it evident additionally the global coupe in nineteen situation has also not helped the company's cause either although it's supposed to be the absolute best that Samsung has to offer the phone is riddled with some serious issues one of the major issues the s20 ultra is facing is auto focus on its big 108 megapixel sensor this highlight functionality should have been taken care off before the phone hit the market but Samsung has clearly failed to do that and it does not look like something that could be solved with a software update either on to the performance Samsung's custom Exynos chipset is once again taking the heat as more and more Samsung fans are demanding Qualcomm chip set in the company's flagship smartphones adding insult to the injury some s20 ultra owners have even complained about the phone's glass panel on the cameras just breaking for no reason moreover Sampson says that it's not something that the warranty covers so you will need to pay $400 for repairing it that's insane so despite all the flagship great features like a 120 Hertz AMOLED display 5000 mAh battery 45 watt wired and 15 watt wireless charging the phone atrocious pricing is nowhere near warranted so that was our list of the phones you should not buy I know there are plenty of posts that I've missed in this video so go check out a written version from the description below where we have provided the complete list also feel free to comment down your list of the phones you should not buy till an Emirati madakari stay indoors and stay safe 

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